Meet the artist: Jean-Pierre Burquier

Jean-Pierre Burquier's playful art exhibition "Out of their minds" is now showing in building 500. Meet the artist in the library at 4pm on Thursday

An artist's playful vision of the scientist's creative madness and fragile brilliance. Impressed by the discovery of the Higgs boson, artist Jean-Pierre Burquier created 30 sweetly mad sculptures of scientists. 

"An ostrich eggs constitutes the base of each piece," he says. "Added to the softness and femininity of this object, the artist joins the roughness of materials such as metal, wood, and rusted iron...the keyword in these works is 'recuperation'. It's a matter of giving old objects a second life through unsual alliances.

Humour is not absent from the collection: fun creations and winks of the eye form part of ever more extravagant works. Art amateurs will find a new and original impetus within these works."

Meet Jean-Pierre Burquier at the CERN library on Thursday 4 December at 4pm. Coffee will be served at 3.30pm. 

The Out of their minds exhibition will take place from 2 to 13 December in the Main Buildling (500). The preview will take place on Tuesday 3 December at 6pm.