Accelerating News issue 33
(Image: CERN)
The world has not quite gone back to what it used to be, and the consequences of the global situation can still be harshly felt in some communities, but the odd opportunity is cropping up in the world of physics and particle accelerators. One such opportunity is the increased reach of certain events and conferences, which are taking place online due to the circumstances. An example is the international School on Precision Studies for the AVA (Accelerators Validating Antimatter physics) network, on which we report in this summer issue. Issue #33 also brings two articles on the physics world: the first laser spectroscopy of short-lived radioactive molecules, produced at CERN’s Proton Synchrotron Booster; and a summary of the European Particle Physics Strategy Update, announced last June. The rest of the issue focuses, as usual, on the LHC High-Luminosity upgrades during Long Shutdown 2, namely the TDIS unit and the novel cryostat units; and on studies for future collider machines. Other achievements include a 14.5T field-strength for an accelerator steering dipole magnet achieved at Fermilab; and a series of remote access beam measurements conducted by the University of Liverpool and the synchrotron facility Diamond Light Source.
Read more on the Accelerating News website.