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Collaboration agreement between CERN and NTNU

CERN and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU) will work together in all domains of science, technology and engineering

Collaboration agreement between CERN and NTNU

Toril A. Nagelhus Hernes (NTNU’s Pro-Rector for Innovation) and Frédérick Bordry (CERN’s Director for Accelerators and Technology) after signing the collaboration agreement. (Image: Sophia Bennett/CERN)

On 19 October, CERN signed a collaboration agreement with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), Norway’s largest engineering school.

NTNU and CERN have a long tradition of collaboration in training students through the CERN doctoral, fellowship and technical student programmes and for joint projects in the field of knowledge and technology transfer. In many cases, these programmes serve as a gateway to research and development projects.

With this agreement, NTNU and CERN will further their shared wish to work together in training a new generation of engineers in all fields of interest common to both institutes, such as electrical, electronic, mechanical and process engineering, mechatronics, information and communications technology, artificial intelligence and machine learning.