From 11–15 April, more than 450 scientists, leaders of high-tech industry, universities and research centres gather in Rome (Italy), to review the progress on Future Circular Collider Study (FCC). Along with design proposals, the FCC week includes discussions on technology, research and development. and latest physics updates.
This study develops concepts for future frontier infrastructures to extend the research currently being conducted at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The future of high-energy physics on the timescale of the 21st century hinges on designing and building future colliders that could take us beyond the present energy and intensity frontiers. To date, a total of 74 institutes from 26 countries have joined the FCC collaboration, reflecting the growing global interest in the study.
During the FCC week 2016 a public event entitled “Discovery Machines: The Higgs Boson and the Search for New Physics” will take place on 14 April at the Auditorium in Rome. The event, in Italian, with simultaneous translation into English, brings together physicists and experts from economics to discuss intriguing questions on the origin and evolution of the Universe and the societal impact of large-scale research projects.